When saving as markdown a youtube summary , only the youtube image is inserted inside the markdown. This isn't very useful. Users want to click on the image with their mouse and have the click take then to the youtube video. Some note taking apps use iframes like notion and some use markdown like joplin. I think markdown is preferred because iframe introduce security concerns (I am a QA tester by profession). Instead of: it should be: [ ]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=silE0FUZ0yM ) or iframe way: <iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" height="314" src=" https://www.youtube.com/embed/silE0FUZ0yM " width="560"></iframe> This would allow the user to "click" on the image and go to the video. This also doesn't work when you click on a card or inside a card when clicking on the image. This feature/bug is probably a deal breaker for me to pay for the app. If I have to go in and edit all my links in my note app, since I have to manually cut and paste and edit the video url to make it clickable, I can just use chatgpt to generate the summary and paste in without having to use your app.