Recall Inbox
Subramanian Iyer
Create a separate section to capture all incoming saves, allowing me to then process the saves individually.
Use Case: I generally receive article and video recommendations from my network, that i want to save and come back to later when i have free time. currently the Cards go directly to the 'all' bucket.
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Sankari Nair
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PDF auto upload
Auto pdf upload feature, so when a new pdf is stored in a folder it will be uploaded and processed
Sankari Nair
Got it got it, will merge with the "Recall Inbox" request.
What I proposed to achieve by this. Having a knowledge library of all the docs I collected. For example, when surfing the Internet, many documents come across. Saving these into a folder, which is monitored and then automatically uploaded to Recall gives a few advantages:
- the doc is automatically summarized, giving me the opportunity to quickly understand what it is all about
- the content is automatically connected to other content (showing relations and relevance)
- having one source of where to find what I'm looking for. When I want to retrieve what I have stored, I have to search in one place only
I guess what remco is saying is the concept of "watched folder" which is used for example by Mendeley. It could be a useful thing for multiple pdf adding.
Sankari Nair
Hello! May you please share a bit more about the use case for this one and how you imagine it would flow? Just want to make sure I understand the request.
Workaround I use for now is I created a tag and named it unfinished. That way I know everything under that tag I need to go through, make connections, etc.
Sankari Nair
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Read later tag
Wolfgang Männel
I guess it would be nice to have a tag "read later" that I can select easily when saving an article into Recall.
I open many articles during a day but don't always read them right away. By having such a tag that I can just check when saving, I would have a nice list of stuff to read.
Sankari Nair
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The ability to queue summaries and things to read or listen to later
I am not using this for memorising but consuming content.
As such I'd like to have the ability to
1) provide a bunch of links or have the summarisation process occur in the background. So I can do other things. Eg reading something already summarised whilst AI summarises the next thing
2) setup a queue of things to read
Able to change the order of the queue.
It's for 'don't have time now but this is important for later '
3) once you do text to speech the queue should also be able to handle auto playing summaries as if they were songs in a play list
Imagine mowing the lawn or doing the washing up whilst listening to summaries. Very useful
Sankari Nair
Thank you for adding this - makes sense as Recall is often used as a "read it later" app.