Import personal markdown notes
in progress
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I don't know if this helps, but since I'm still struggling in making the switch from Memex to Recall, here is a screenshot of how the automatic sync in Obsidian looks like. I wrote to you Paul via email about that...
It would be great if Recall could extract the Links somehow from the MD note, because it's the link I want in my Recall KB and not the metadata or the rest of the note.
Paul Richards
in progress
And the ability to make links automatically
Yes agree, I have markdown content in Obsidian and Perplexity, Recall seems like a great place to link things up and use AI but really need to be able to paste or import markdown content!
I wanted to ask same thing with the purpose to take advantage of the spaced repetition system of Recall (missing in Obsidian). It is already possible to export Recall notes in markdown (to import in obsidian) but i agree that it would important also to have the ability to import notes from outer sources in Recall.