Cleaning up the left windows
My left window, where the tags are, is getting really cluttery. Can we get a solution where the user can choose between "Show Tags + Cards" or "Show Tags Only"? In the "Show Tags Only" view, the users will be able to view the cards once a tag is clicked.
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Sankari Nair
Check out the icon in the left corner of the app where you can easily collapse all your tags.
Sankari Nair
Merged in a post:
Expand/collapse/deselect all tags in sidebar
Cory Roush
Love the implementation of tags in the sidebar but would appreciate the option to expand all, collapse all, and deselect all tags with a one-click button or keyboard shortcut.
I think ideally, I'd like to see my tags, including sub-tags, so on the left window, I would love to get an option to see just the tags. In the collops view, I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to see the sub-tags? But this is probably a personal preference so wanted to get the communities thoughts on it so you guys can decide if it's worth the investment. If it's just me or a small number then... well :)
Sankari Nair
Hello there! Would a bulk expand and collops of the tags in the left panel help here?
Sankari Nair
Merged in a post:
Add a collapse all tags button
It would be easy and useful to have a collapse all tags button, and better even a expand all tags button
Sankari Nair
I will merge!
sorry, i've seen this request already exists here
i don't know how to merge the feature requests, and i guess only admins can do that.
Paul Richards
Merged in a post:
Close tag tree button
Tim Godbehere
Button to close the tag tree needed. It can get quite unweieldly and closing it manually is time consuming.