API access to your Recall knowledge base
Paul Richards
The API would allow you to access all your Recall data as well as add more content and edit existing content.
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Sankari Nair
Merged in a post:
Ben McMillan
An API that we could call to automatically generate summaries as new videos come out on specific channels would be awesome
Alexey Anufriev
looks like a duplicate of https://feedback.getrecall.ai/feature-requests/p/api-access-to-your-recall-knowledge-base, please upvote the original one
Yeah this would pave the way for bots on Telegram or Discord.
Paul Richards
Merged in a post:
API to add a card from
Kevin Hatfield
I'd like to request an API feature that allows creating cards directly from request. This would enable automated card creation for web content, saving time and enhancing workflow efficiency. Ideally, this API would support secure authentication, accept URLs with optional categorization parameters, and return the ID of the created card, but a simply post request is a good start. This feature would be invaluable for users looking to integrate Recall into their automated systems or workflows.